What is the difference between inline table valued and multi statement valued functions in SQL

In this article i explain you how to declare inline table valued functions and multi-statement valued functions in sql
 In line table valued functions :-
Create Function fnILTVF_GetEmployees()
Returns Table
Return (Select Id, Name, Cast(DateOfBirth as Date) as DOB
        From tblEmployees)
Multi-statement Table Valued function :-
Create Function fnMSTVF_GetEmployees()
Returns @Table Table (Id int, Name nvarchar(20), DOB Date)
 Insert into @Table
 Select Id, Name, Cast(DateOfBirth as Date)
 From tblEmployees


Calling the Inline Table Valued Function:
Select * from fnILTVF_GetEmployees()

Calling the Multi-statement Table Valued Function:
Select * from fnMSTVF_GetEmployees()

1. In an Inline Table Valued function, the RETURNS clause cannot contain the structure of the table, the function returns. Where as, with the multi-statement table valued function, we specify the structure of the table that gets returned
2. Inline Table Valued function cannot have BEGIN and END block, where as the multi-statement function can have.
3. Inline Table valued functions are better for performance, than multi-statement table valued functions. If the given task, can be achieved using an inline table valued function, always prefer to use them, over multi-statement table valued functions.
4. It's possible to update the underlying table, using an inline table valued function, but not possible using multi-statement table valued function.

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