What is caching in ASP.NET MVC and when to use it?

Caching is a most important aspect of high-performance web application. Caching provides a way of storing frequently accessed data and reusing that data. Practically, this is an effective way for improving web application’s performance.

When to use caching:-
1. Use caching for contents that are accessed frequently.
2. Avoid caching for contents that are unique per user.
3. Avoid caching for contents that are accessed infrequently/rarely.
4. Use the VaryByCustom function to cache multiple versions of a page based on customization aspects of    the request such as cookies, role, theme, browser, and so on.
5. For efficient caching use 64-bit version of Windows Server and SQL Server.
6. For database caching make sure your database server has sufficient RAM otherwise, it may degrade the  performance.
7. For caching of dynamic contents that change frequently, define a short cache–expiration time rather than disabling caching.

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