ListView Control Templates In ASP.NET

Templates control certain aspects of the ListView control's generated HTML. Templates are required with ListView; they are optional with other data controls. These templates provide complete control over the
output; that is, all aspects of the ListView's generated markup are controlled via templates.

 The ListView control markup is specified with the help of following templates.
1. AlternatingItemTemplate:- Defines how alternating items are displayed.
2. EditItemTemplate:- Defines the presentation for an item when it is edited.
3. EmptyDataTemplate: -Specifies the content to display for empty individual items.
4. EmptyItemTemplate:- Specifies the content to display for empty group items.
5. GroupSeparatorTemplate:- Specifies the content to display between groups.
6. GroupTemplate:- Defines the content for groups. This template is a placeholder for the data displayed    for   individual group items (when data is grouped).
7. InsertItemTemplate:- Defines the presentation for a new item being inserted into the data set.
8. ItemSeparatorTemplate:- Defines the content to display between individual data items.
9. ItemTemplate:- Defines the data to display for single items.
10. LayoutTemplate:- Defines the main presentation features for the control. This root template contains  placeholders that are replaced by what is defined by ItemTemplate and GroupTemplate.
11. SelectedItemTemplate:- Specifies the content to display when users select items.

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