Events of the DetailsView Control In ASP.NET

ItemCommand :-
Occurs when a button within a DetailsView control is clicked.
ItemCreated :-
Occurs when a record is created in a DetailsView control.

ItemDeleting :-
 Occurs when a Delete button (a button with its CommandName property set to "Delete") within a DetailsView control is clicked, but before the delete operation.
ItemDeleted :-
 Occurs when a Delete button within a DetailsView control is clicked, but after the delete operation.
ItemInserting :-
 Occurs when an Insert button (a button with its CommandName property set to "Insert") within a DetailsView control is clicked, but before the insert operation.
ItemInserted :-
Occurs when an Insert button within a DetailsView control is clicked, but after the insert operation.
ItemUpdating :-
Occurs when an Update button (a button with its CommandName property set to "Update") within a DetailsView control is clicked, but before the update operation.
ItemUpdated :-
Occurs when an Update button within a DetailsView control is clicked, but after the update operation.
ModeChanging :-
Occurs when a DetailsView control attempts to change between edit, insert, and read-only modes, but before the CurrentMode property is updated.
ModeChanged :-
Occurs when a DetailsView control attempts to change between edit, insert, and read-only modes, but after the CurrentMode property is updated.
PageIndexChanging :-
Occurs when a Page button (a button with its CommandName property set to "Page") has been clicked, but before navigating to a new page of data.
PageIndexChanged :-
Occurs when a Page button has been clicked, but after a navigating to a new page of data.
DataBound :-
This event is inherited from the BaseDataBoundControl control and occurs after the DetailsView control has finished binding to the data source.

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